
Crapper Cycle Lanes

While many high profile politicians pay lip service to improving the lot of Britain’s cyclists, those of us who actually ride are painfully aware – sometimes literally – of the shortcomings of many of our cycle routes.

Despite the success of Crap Cycle Lanes, the stocking filling little book that Eye Books published in association with WCC in 2007, there appear to be more, not fewer examples of myopic town planning. Sometimes hilarious, other times downright dangerous!

It is with these dual objectives that we are in the process of producing Book 2, imaginatively called Crapper Cycle Lanes: to entertain and to raise awareness of the inconveniences and dangers that are caused by thoughtless planners who wouldn’t know their spoke nipple from their bottom bracket.

We would like to extend you the offer of contributing to what we hope will be a widely publicised and appreciated book.

If you have any high-res photos of particularly awful cycle lanes, or for that matter any stories to tell, please send them to us and we will consider them for inclusion in the book.

Please note in advance:

By sending the photo, you are giving us (the publisher) permission to use the photo and the content you send for inclusion in our forthcoming book – Crapper Cycle Lanes, and indeed for promotional purposes. We will let all contributors know prior to going to press.

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